The RUGSTORM Rugged Tablet F101 is no ordinary device. It’s a rugged warrior designed to withstand the harshest environments, from scorching deserts to icy tundras. But today, we focus on its epic battle against extreme cold.

The Challenge: Froze for 12hours

In a remote Arctic outpost, where frostbite is a real concern and polar bears are the neighbors, we put the F101 to the ultimate test. The mission? Survive 12 hours in a deep freeze, where temperatures plummeted to -20°C. Could this rugged tablet brave the bone-chilling cold and emerge unscathed?

The Anatomy of Resilience

Intel® Core™ i5 CPU
The F101’s heart beats with an Intel® Core™ i5-1235U CPU, a powerhouse that doesn’t flinch even when the mercury nosedives. It’s like having a mini sun inside—a sun that thrives in the frigid darkness.

Windows 11 Enterprise-IOT OS
The operating system is no slouch either. Running on Windows 11 Enterprise-IOT OS, the F101 laughs at frosty challenges. It’s as if Bill Gates himself whispered, “Fear not, little tablet. You were born for this."

Frost-proof Display
The 10.1-inch touchscreen display remains crystal clear, defying frost-induced blurriness. Whether you’re reading mission-critical data or watching cat videos during downtime (because even Arctic explorers need a laugh), the F101 delivers.

Frozen, Not Forgotten

As the clock ticked, the F101 stood its ground. Ice crystals formed on its rugged exterior, but it soldiered on. Emails were checked, maps were navigated, and a lonely game of Solitaire was played (because why not?). The F101 didn’t falter.

A Hero Among Tablets

The RUGSTORM Rugged Tablet F101 emerged victorious. It proved that extreme cold is just another playground for its rugged soul. So, whether you’re an Arctic explorer, a mountain climber, or a cold chain manager, the F101 has your back.
Next time you venture into the frozen unknown, remember the F101. It’s not just a tablet; it’s a frost-defying legend.

Find out more:
RUGSTORM F101 Extreme Condition Challenge - 1
RUGSTORM F101 Extreme Condition Challenge - 2