F101 - 10.1" Windows® Tablet
R100 - 10.1" Windows® Tablet
SA100 - 10.1" Android™ Tablet
RA80 - 8" Android™ Tablet
R70 - 7" Windows® Tablet
VD100 - 10.1“ Display
VD70 - 7" Display
Compatible Modle: R100
Compatible Modle: F101
Battery Charger
Expansion Battery
Compatible Modle: SA100
Hand Straps
Compatible Modle: RA80
Shoulder Strap
RS 232 Module
Office Dock
Home Support & Services FAQs Windows ページ 2
Please follow these steps to diagnose and resolve the issue: 1. Check Camera Device Existence: Open the Device Manager and verify if the camera device…
To clean the device, we recommend using either a cleanroom wipe or an alcohol wipe.
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